Bringing Up Great Kids
This is an interactive six-week program for parents of young children and teens. It can help you to raise happy and confident kids.
Topics include:
mindful parenting
understanding your child’s development and behaviour
building strong, positive relationships
taking care of your needs.
Circle of Security
This eight-week course can help you to create strong, secure bonds with your children. We provide a dads-only course too.
Topics include:
learning to read your child’s emotional needs
successfully managing emotions
building your child’s self-esteem
helping your child to feel secure.
Watch this video for an overview of the course.
Which Dad Are You?
This 2.5-hour interactive workshop focuses on the different roles that dads play in their kids’ lives.
We know that each dad is unique and how we parent within our families is different. This group will talk about raising our kids to be happy and healthy, looking at the important role we play for them to contribute to their communities and the positive effect we can play bringing up the next generation. We can also point you in the right direction for further support if you think it would be helpful.
Topics include:
the seven different types of dads
raising happy and healthy children
how you teach, care for and provide for your children.
Enhanced Communication
This course is designed to help couples and families improve communication and resolve conflict.
The session is interactive. Our trained coaches will ask questions designed to help you reflect on times you’ve experienced conflict. This may have been with a partner, family member, colleague or someone else in your life. Our trainers will guide you through strategies for how to handle similar situations in the future.
We will look at:
triggers for conflict
setting your own boundaries
respecting others’ boundaries
questioning assumptions that can lead to conflict.
You may find these resources helpful:
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