Take action to support the Stolen Generations Bill
Today on National Sorry Day (26th May), Uniting Communities calls on all political parties in South Australia to consider and support the Stolen Generations (Compensation) Bill. This Bill will enable South Australian members of the Stolen Generation to access compensation without having to take the matter to court – thereby avoiding the cost, time and secondary trauma of having to prove their case.
Peter McDonald of Uniting Communities says: “Following the National Apology, adopting the proposed Stolen Generations (Compensation) Bill would serve to turn words into action. Saying ‘sorry’ is important, but moving beyond the words and translating The Apology into action through adopting this legislation would advance genuine reconciliation.
“The proposed Bill does more than provide financial compensation; it also acknowledges that the policies of past governments caused emotional, physical and cultural harm to members of the Stolen Generation and their families. Uniting Communities urges the South Australia Government to engage in a bi-partisan and compassionate way to support reparations for the Stolen Generations and thereby give meaning to The Apology.
“The loss, grief and trauma experienced by the victims of human rights violations and those who were forcibly removed can never be adequately compensated. It’s impossibly difficult to place a monetary value on the grief and suffering experienced by individuals. However, for many survivors, compensation will translate the Apology into action and could make a practical difference and improve the lives of communities and individuals.”
Uniting Communities calls on all parties to engage with members of the Stolen Generation and to support this Bill when it is discussed in Parliament.