Poverty can be tackled in South Australia. We are part of one of the richest countries on earth at the richest time in human history, so if ever there was a time to tackle poverty and disadvantage, it is now.
There is clear need to do much more than just ‘more of the same’ which has failed to dent either entrenched poverty for parts of the population over generations or the emerging ‘new’ poverty for certain groups, including older women. Uniting Communities is proposing longer term strategy proposals and a series of more immediate short-term recommendations for action.
Our longer term strategy is to recognise that responding to poverty has to be a partnership involving communities, business, local government as well as state Government. We are therefore proposing that the State Government initiates the development of a “Compact to Reduce Poverty” that would be a shared response to poverty in South Australia involving business, community organisations and all tiers of government.
As part of this Compact, we propose the establishment of a “Future Work Strategy” in order for South Australia to respond to the rapidly changing labour market in order to maximise employment opportunities in the State and to support poorer communities to access employment.
Uniting Communities commends the Legislative Council for undertaking an enquiry into poverty in South Australia, it is a significant issue. Poverty is important because it impacts heavily on individuals, their families and their broader communities, diminishing prosperity and well-being for all of us.