Uniting Communities strives for the highest standard of work, health and safety and is committed to a workplace free from injuries. We are committed to excellence in providing a safe environment and building a united safety culture in the workplace. We do this through planning, information, training, instruction and supervision to protect everyone from risks to their health and safety.
October is National Safe Work Month, a time to promote a safe and healthy workplace. Each year, SafeWork Australia takes this opportunity to remind all workers and employers across the country to continue to commit to safe and healthy workplaces. Being safe and healthy means being free from physical and psychological harm. No job should be unsafe and no injury is acceptable. A safe and healthy workplace benefits everyone. The theme for National Safe Work Month this year is “think safe. work safe. be safe”.
This October think safe. work safe. be safe. at your workplace by planning and implementing awareness about work health and safety procedures.
Think safe is the first step to thinking about work health and safety, which covers the planning and forethought that an employer must do to identify risks and maintain healthy and safe workplaces.
Work safe is about implementing work health and safety measures to manage risks including the practical steps you can take to reduce risk and avoid workplace incidents.
Be safe considers the ongoing process of managing and monitoring work health and safety risks – it is not a one off.
Find out more about how you can promote National Safe Work Month in your workplace.