Welcome to the Uniting Communities Overcoming Loneliness monthly e-news. We’ll keep you up to date with the latest news about loneliness initiatives, research, innovative case studies and data.
Overcoming Loneliness replaces the former Teams platform and Not Alone newsletters.
If you have a story to share about how your work or organisation is overcoming loneliness, please contact us at advocacy@unitingcommunities.org
South Australia
Latest survey results
Uniting Communities has conducted twice yearly surveys since the beginning of 2020 to gain an understanding of the prevalence of loneliness in SA and the groups of people most affected. Respondents were asked:
How often do you feel lonely?
How often do you feel that you lack companionship?
How often do you feel left out?
How often do you feel isolated from others?
Highlights from the latest survey (April 2023):
15% of respondents often feel lonely.
15% of respondents often feel they lack companionship.
17% of respondents often feel isolated from others.
29% of 18-24 year-olds often feel lonely.
19% of 45-49 year-olds often feel lonely
Experiencing feelings of loneliness and lacking companionship ‘often’ have both increased from November 2022 results.
Reports of feeling lonely ‘often’ were higher in metro areas (16%) compared to regional (14%) whereas reports of feeling isolated from others ‘often’ is higher in regional (20%) compared to metro (16%).
For the first time, the over $80,000 income bracket has reported the highest rates of feeling lonely ‘often’. In all previous data, this cohort is the least lonely.
Feeling lonely ‘often’ for 60-64 year olds has increased from 12% in November 2022 to 20% in April 2023.
If you would like to find out more about our data, contact advocacy@unitingcommunities.org
Australian Unity Wellbeing Index survey
A collaboration between Deakin University and Australian Unity reveals that life satisfaction in Australia is the lowest level in two decades.
The Wellbeing Index incorporates seven life areas: standard of living, relationships, purpose in life, community connectedness, safety, health and future security.
Social Innovation Research Institute
‘Achieving Social Connection & Community Resilience: joining the dots between policy, practice, research and community’ is an in person and online event on 6th June.
This event will give you:
up-to-date Australian evidence about citizens and social connection in growth areas
feasible, positive strategies to tackle challenges of building social connection and resilience.
Swinburne University of Technology
New report titled: "When you find people like you, you don't have to explain yourself": experiences of social connection in outer-metropolitan suburbs.’
This project focuses on finding new evidence and using it to assist community partners and policy-makers to activate social connection in practical ways. It looks particularly at outer-metropolitan suburbs with diverse populations and ongoing rapid growth.
Friends for Good
Friends for Good are hosting a symposium on the 6th of June titled ‘Innovation: Connect; Collaborate; Act.’
The event will focus on loneliness and social isolation highlighting innovative programs. They will discuss the needs of people experiencing loneliness and specific actions that individuals, leaders, academics and the broader community sector can take to make a significant impact.
Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation (US)
The US Surgeon General released the first ever Advisory on the healing effects of loneliness, isolation, and social connection. The report makes recommendations for increasing and strengthening social connection through a whole-of-society approach.
The Foundation of Art and Healing (US)
On June 4th the Foundation of Art and Healing launches the 7th Annual Unlonely Film Festival Virtual Launch Event to celebrate the power of film to engage, inspire, empower, and connect!
The event kicks off their 7th Season of 30+ new, short films on loneliness, available for streaming year-round on their website following the event.
10 Days of Connection (US)
A community-wide movement started in Miami in 2017 with the goal of connecting locals with varied backgrounds to build a stronger and healthier community.
For 10 days each year, the entire community is invited to "burst their bubbles, engage in acts of connection, and celebrate differences."
Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness (US)
Event: ‘Connections at the Capitol: Discussions on Loneliness, Isolation, and the Path Forward. Advocating for Connection.’
On 13 June, join the Coalition to End Social Isolation and Loneliness virtually as they hear from prominent thought leaders, change-makers, and advocates about current efforts to foster belonging and resiliency among our most vulnerable populations.
CAMH (Canada)
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health has released an Ageing and Mental Health Framework that explores interventions for loneliness.
Tackling Loneliness Annual Report March 2023 (UK)
Every year since the launch of the national strategy on loneliness, the government releases a report highlighting their progress on reducing loneliness in the UK.
Progress includes successful campaigns which aim to reduce the stigma associated with loneliness and millions of pounds in funding to help organisations and community groups foster connections across their communities.
2023 Global Loneliness Awareness Week
Every year, the Marmalade Trust in the UK runs a campaign during Global Loneliness Awareness Week (12th-18th June 2023).
Loneliness Awareness Week is dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness and getting people talking about it, across the UK and beyond.
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