
Loneliness by Numbers: A South Australian Snapshot


The Uniting Communities Loneliness by Numbers Snapshot explores what is loneliness, who is affected and how do we overcome it.

We asked South Australians to report their experiences of loneliness, lack of companionship, feelings of being left out or isolated.

The data revealed that:

  • 60 per cent of the South Australian population report experiencing loneliness.

  • 87 per cent of people (aged 18-24) report experiencing loneliness sometimes or often. 

  • 86 per cent of people (aged 25-29) report experiencing loneliness sometimes or often.  

  • 29 per cent of people (aged 45-49) report experiencing loneliness ‘often’ which is the highest since we began tracking in 2020.  

  • More loneliness is experienced in metropolitan (62%) areas then in regional (54%) areas. Although regional areas reported slightly higher experiences of feeling isolated from others.

Tackling this issue requires a whole-of-community approach.

Read our new Loneliness by Numbers Snapshot to find out more about how we can reduce loneliness in South Australia.