We asked South Australians to report their experiences of loneliness, lack of companionship, feelings of being left out or isolated.
The data revealed that:
60 per cent of the South Australian population report experiencing loneliness.
87 per cent of people (aged 18-24) report experiencing loneliness sometimes or often.
86 per cent of people (aged 25-29) report experiencing loneliness sometimes or often.
29 per cent of people (aged 45-49) report experiencing loneliness ‘often’ which is the highest since we began tracking in 2020.
More loneliness is experienced in metropolitan (62%) areas then in regional (54%) areas. Although regional areas reported slightly higher experiences of feeling isolated from others.
Tackling this issue requires a whole-of-community approach.
Read our new Loneliness by Numbers Snapshot to find out more about how we can reduce loneliness in South Australia.