Skin is one of the first areas that we notice change with age. As the largest organ in our bodies, skin needs proper protection – not only for your appearance but, more importantly, because it performs so many essential tasks for your body.
As the largest organ in the body, skin offers the best protection we have against infection. As well as serving as a barrier, it helps regulate your body temperature and acts as a filter. Keeping our skin healthy keeps that critical barrier strong.
Signs of ageing skin can include thinning, sagging, wrinkling and the appearance of age spots, broken blood vessels and dryness. As we age, our skin is more prone to damage and can tear and bruise easily, allowing bacteria to penetrate and result in an infection. Skin can also take longer to heal. A minor wound can quickly become a much bigger problem – and can even be fatal – without proper wound care.
There are some ways to reduce the risks associated with ageing skin. These include limiting your sun exposure and wearing sunscreen, hats and long clothing that covers your skin as much as possible. Ensuring skin stays moisturised is important too – keep it well hydrated from the inside with your water intake, but also on the outside by applying moisturiser morning and night. Other factors that can dry out the skin include hot baths and frequent showers, smoking and heaters.
Maintaining an exercise routine helps for overall health, but also for skin care as it promotes circulation, increases blood flow and keeps skin cells nourished.
Remember, if you have a wound that is just not healing, a scaly area that is not responding to moisturiser or a spot that is changing, seek medical advice.
Your skin it too important to not treat it with care.