On Thursday 30th July, the Federal Assistant Minister for Health, Fiona Nash, announced funding for Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation (also known as The Purple House) to continue the delivery of dialysis services and a range of renal support activities in remote communities in Central Australia.
Sue Tilley from the Paper Tracker Project of Uniting Communities says:
‘The Federal Government’s announcement today is incredibly exciting and will be celebrated across remote communities and by families who are currently living without their relatives who have been forced to move to city centres in order to access dialysis services. Extending the reach of dialysis services and locating these services in communities will mean that people can be home with their families and participate in community and cultural activities – this can only be good for people’s health and wellbeing.
‘People living in remote communities have been asking for community-based dialysis services for many, many years. This funding will contribute towards their dream coming true. Sadly, the realisation of this dream has come too late for many elders and leaders who lobbied and campaigned for dialysis services but who have since passed away – let’s hope that this funding can be used in such a way as to honour their years of struggle and commitment.
‘Western Desert Dialysis has shown over many years that community-based dialysis is feasible and it is very exciting to hear that they have been granted additional funding to extend their very valuable work.
‘The Paper Tracker Project supports the work of a network of organisations and the Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjaku Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation in developing and advocating for a community-based model of care.’