Communication Access and
Easy English resources

People with communication needs are welcomed at Uniting Communities.


Communication Access accreditation has been achieved by some Uniting Communities sites and services. People with communication disability assessed staff and awarded the communication access symbol.  

This international symbol means that we have skills and communication tools to successfully interact with people with communication difficulties.  

These are Uniting Communities’ communication access accredited sites and services: 

  • Concierge - Ground floor, U City 

  • Function Centre - Level 1, U City 

  • Uniting Communities' community services reception - Level 2, U City 

  • Streetlink reception - Level 2, U City 

  • New ROADS reception - Level 2, U City 

  • Law Centre - Level 3, U City 

  • Accessible Serviced Apartments - U City 

  • headspace - Mt Gambier 

Watch the video below to find out what Communication Access accreditation means for people visiting Uniting Communities. Visit the Two Way Street website for more information about Communication Access.

Many other Uniting Communities services are communication accessible. The staff at these services are trained to provide great customer service to people with communication disabilities. Easy English versions of some forms and documents are available. You will also find communication tools for talking with staff at some of the below locations: 

  • Family Relationship Centre sites at Aldinga Beach, Christies Beach and Marion 

  • Disability Services across Adelaide metro 

  • Community Aged Care across Adelaide metro and country regions based in Mount Gambier, Tanunda, Port Augusta and Port Lincoln 

Useful Links
We can support your communication needs

Look at these links before you visit Uniting Communities.