Disability Advocacy Service

Helping you to navigate the NDIS, understand your rights and resolve issues.

Service overview

If you’re eligible for the NDIS or already receiving support, we can help you to understand the system and your rights.

Program Information
How we can support you with the NDIS
You may like support to make sure you’re getting the assistance you need. We can help if you’re having trouble accessing support, or do not agree with an access or funding decision. You may like us to advocate on your behalf or help as you advocate for yourself.
Who we can support
The service is for people in South Australia. If you live in a rural or remote region we are able to speak with you over the phone, via email or over video conference, such as Zoom.

Our team

This service is run by the Uniting Communities Law Centre, which is separate to the NDIS services provided by Uniting Communities.

Our team of legal staff work alongside disability advocates, social workers, developmental educators, and speech and language pathologists.


Let's talk about how we can support you with the NDIS

We're here to help you work through the NDIS and understand your rights.

Here are some frequently asked questions:

What kinds of issues can you support me with?
I have concerns about someone I know with a disability – can you help me?
I have an NDIS plan and have been charged with a criminal offence – can you support me?
What happens if the Disability Advocacy Service cannot help me?
Do I have to be a Uniting Communities client to access this service?
Can you help me to learn more about my rights and how the NDIS works?
Useful Links
Easy English resources

Click on the link to the right to download information in Easy English format.

Enquire about the Disability Advocacy Service

Disability Advocacy Service

This program is funded by the South Australian Department of Human Services.